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A Life And Style Blog Times Two

Beech-Nut® Naturals™

by Jennifer | Nov 04, 2018

  Here is some real talk. Kids can be picky eaters. Getting them to eat their fruits and veggies can sometimes be a huge task. But I believe the sooner you start them eating healthy the more likely it will continue throughout their whole lives.

One way to start them early is by feeding them real food as babies, and my recommendation is Beech-Nut® Naturals™. This product is inspired by homemade and is made with real fruits and veggies. All the ingredients are words you know and can pronounce! Beech-Nut® used inputs from moms and dads to create this line and to learn how they feed their babies and toddlers. This Naturals™ line is perfect for babies, and Beech-Nut® also makes pouches and snacks that would be perfect for toddlers and older kids, too.

Beech-Nut® is the brand that I trusted when my twins were babies. It is brand I will continue to trust as I help my sister out with her new baby, who is coming this winter. Beech-Nut® Naturals™ can be found in the baby food section and comes in a variety of flavors like, Apples & Pumpkin; Banana, Orange, Pineapple; Apple, Cinnamon, & Granola; and more!