Buying Pre-Owned Luxury Handbags With Confidence Thanks To Poshmark
by Jennifer | Jan 26, 2017
What lady wouldn’t love a great deal on a high end designer handbag. I know I always have. But I have always worried about buying pre-owned or not from the designer themselves in fear of buying a counterfeit or a poor condition bag. But Poshmark has solved that problem for me with their concierge service. Poshmark is a buying and selling app where users can create their own virtual closets to post clothes, shoes, handbags and more to earn extra cash or even start their own business. I purchased this Authentic Black Camellia Wallet on a chain aka WOC thru Poshmark’s Concierge service.
How it works….. any item purchased at $500 or over is directly mailed by the seller to Poshmark’s home office in the Bay Area California. The shipping is free and when received a a luxury expert will examine the bag to make sure it is authentic and matches the seller description. Then once it is approved off it goes to its new owner.
I was very happy with the speed of verification as well as shipping time. My item was packaged with care in this cute Poshmark logo tissue paper above and sealed with love.
Also included was a certicate of authenticity from Poshmark signed by your luxury expert to keep for your records and put your mind at ease.
I couldn’t be happier with my Poshmark concierge service and my savings of over $1100! Now off to find my next deal! Check my upcoming post for more of my experiences and successes on selling with Poshmark !