Savvy Grey Styles

A Life And Style Blog Times Two

Kidz Lane Toys

by Jennifer | Aug 30, 2018


As a Mom of three year old twins I am always looking for fun toys that my kids will like and keep them busy.  I have partnered with Kidz Lane to share some amazing toys my twins love and I am sure your little ones will too.

One of my favorite things to watch is my twins play pretend.  Toys that make them use their imagannation and play pretend are the best in my book and their’s.  And that is why we are crazy over the toys Kidz Lane gifted us.

Savvy was sent a cleaning kit, with cleaning tools just like Mom uses around the house.  Her eyes lit up whe she opened the package and she immediately helped me with the household chores like dusting and mopping.  For hours of fun shop this kit here

Greyson’s toy is the envy of every DIY lover.  He loves his tool kit and being a fixer upper around the house.  Greyson works by measuring for new toy boxes and helps hang pretend photo frames.  This tool kit includes a screw driver, drill, screws, bolts, a hammer and more.  Shop it here