Savvy Grey Styles

A Life And Style Blog Times Two

May’s Ellie Box

by Jennifer | May 06, 2017

I can’t believe it is already May!  May is one of my favorite months. The weather is warm, but not too hot.  The sun is shining and flowers are blooming.  And to make it even better my monthly rose gold box just showed up on my doorstep.  Inside this beautiful box are my 5 fitness items I receive every month from Ellie activewear.

If you are not familiar with Ellie I will quickly tell you how it works.  For only $49.95 you are shipped 5 items every month. Sign up by clicking HERE.  The 3 basics I have always received are a pair of leggings, sports bra, and active wear tank. Then you are also sent 2 fitness related items!  On top of those amazing items you also receive a useful draw string backpack.  I love to use mine as a gym bag or to bring to the park with the twins.

This month by far my favorite item were the leggings.  They are cropped and have a mesh and purple print detail!  They are so comfortable when on, fit great and are amazing quality. The black sports bra and grey tank I also received can be seen in my first photo.  Both are  items I will use often and mix with other pieces in my activewear wardrobe.

Besides my three staple items and backpack I was also sent a hand therapy set and arm wallet.

The hand therapy set helps promote strength in the fingers, wrist and forearm.  As well as easing muscle tension and soreness, relaxing stiff joints, and helping circulation. The different colors represent different resistance levels. I look forward to using these daily

The arm wallet that came in the box is the one item I will probably use the most.  The adjustable band fits on your upper arm and can house your smartphone, keys, money and cards!  I see my self using this at the gym and when going on an outdoor run! It is suc a great way to be hands free and keep my important belongings safe.  I have a IPhone 6 Plus and it fits in this wallet.

If you are interested in Ellie check them out by clicking HERE.  I love their service and I am sure you will too.

*I do partner with Ellie and they did send me this box at no cost but the opinion and review are all my own.