Savvy Grey Styles

A Life And Style Blog Times Two

Summer Fun Powered By Osmo

by Jennifer | Jul 19, 2021

Summer is here and I am always looking for ways to keep my twins busy. We were recently gifted Osmo’s Detective Agency kit and the timing was perfect. It is a great way to keep them engaged and get them thinking at the same time. It keeps them learning even when they are not at school. We are big fans of Osmo. They have fun filled and award winning learning games. They go beyond the screen by having kids interact with their hands and the screen.

Osmo’s Detective Agency kit has your kids put on their detective hats to explore, find clues and solve puzzles. They learn something new with every clue. I love that it teaches geography too. Kids can explore multiple maps ( 8 maps are included) and use logic to solve mysteries as they search for missing pets and try to capture the thieves. The kit even comes with a real magnifying glass kids can use to search the maps for landmarks from around the world.

The twins loved being detectives so much we decided to have a family outdoor scavenger hunt to bring the fun outdoors ! We played the case of the missing Teddy Bear. Clues were hidden around the yard and it was so fun to hear their giggles and watch them run from one clue to the next. Don’t worry Mr Teddy was found in the end !

Osmo’s Detective Agency kit is perfect for kids ages 5 to 12. It is Compatible for iPad and fire tablets see their site for exact models and compatibility. Not included but needed is the Osmo base but you can purchase this separately. You can find this kit and more at or your local Target and Walmart stores !