Savvy Grey Styles

A Life And Style Blog Times Two

Traveling Toddlers

by Jennifer | Feb 17, 2017

Monkey Mat

Yay it is Friday and you know what makes this day even better?  It is a long weekend and we are taking off on a road trip.  Traveling with two toddlers is not easy but I have found some travel essentials to keep them happy and our trip enjoyable.  Below are a few of my favorites, please leave any of yours in the comment sections.

I can not tell you how many times this Monkey Mat has been a lifesaver.  Monkey Mat is a portable mat to use indoor or outdoor.  We have used ours at outdoor concerts, the beach, or even just to play on for the hotel floor.  The best part is it folds up super small and is very lightweight (under 12 ounces) so it is  easy to put in your luggage or diaper bag!  The mat is washable and super durable.  It is under $30 and it can be found here in lots of fun colors and prints.

Manga Doodle

Manga Doodle

I love this toy, I even had one as a kid.  This magnetic drawing board keeps my little ones busy for hours.  It has an easy to carry handle and goes with us in the car or to a restaurant since it is so fun and portable.  The one we have is here and it is under $20.

Bla Bla Kids Hold Me Tight Pillow

Bla Bla Kids Hold Me Tight Pillow

My son is easy he loves to bring his Pooh Bear stuffed to cuddle with on long trips, but my daughter loves pillows.  So I found her this cute pillow with handles to cuddle up with on long car rides. It is also easy for her to carry around and it is her favorite color pink!  The brand is Bla Bla Kids and they have the cutest baby/toddler knit items. Check out their great selection  here.



This kid’s on the go first aid kit has been a life saver for me more times to count.  It has everything you need for small bumps and bruises on the go.  MediBuddy puts more than 50 items like bandaids, cleansing wipes and gauze pads in a purse size colorful container.  My kids love the stickers inside and they take their minds off their ouchies. Most of their items are under $5 we have this one!

Pottery Barn Kids Insulated Water Bottles

Pottery barn Kids Insulated Water Bottles

The twins love water and they love it ice cold.  These Potttery Barn Kids Insulated Water Bottles keeps their water cold for hours and they come in lots of fun colors and prints! They can even be personalized with your child’s name.  They are on sale right now, hurry and click here to purchase.