Savvy Grey Styles

A Life And Style Blog Times Two

Wantable Active Edit

by Jennifer | Sep 29, 2021

If you have been reading my blog for a while you know  I am a huge fan of Wantable they are your very own personal shopper! Setting up an account is so easy. Answer some simple questions so your stylist can get to know you better. Like what sizes you take and what colors you love. From there your stylist gets to work and curates a box of clothing pieces just for you. I love that their boxes ship right to my doorstep and I can try everything on in the comfort of my own home! It’s so easy just keep the pieces you love and send back the ones that didn’t work in the prepaid labeled bag. 

They always have special edition boxes, active boxes and seasonal boxes. I am so excited to partner with them this month to show you the latest Active Edit I received this month. Their active boxes are always full of items perfect for the gym, an active lifestyle, running errands and staying comfortable. Items range from things like leggings, sports bras, jackets, tank tops and more.

Some of my favorite items from this moths box were a pair of leggings, a tie dye long sleeve top, a cozy button front jacket and quilted zip front jacket ! The fit as perfect on everything and will be great for Fall and early Winter here in California.

Head to to give them a try! Thank you Wantable for gifting me these products.