Savvy Grey Styles

A Life And Style Blog Times Two

Why Every Blogger Should Have An Email List

by Jennifer | Dec 04, 2018

About a year after my twins were born. I started my blog SavvyGreyStyles. It was a way to share Mom advice, travel tips and style. Since then it has grown so much and became my creative outlet. I have worked with so many amazing companies, met fabulous fellow bloggers and gave had countless memorable adventures. I am so thankful for this journey and can’t wait to see what else the future holds for SavvyGreyStyles.

As I have grown as a blogger and I have learned so much along the way. I also have gained so more knowledge in the genre since starting out a day one. One thing I wish I had done sooner was to start an email list. There are so many benefits to having a email list. In this post I will tell you why if you are a blogger or business you need one. As well as my recommendation on who to choose!

As a blogger I am so grateful for all of my followers and readers. I am so honored they take the time to read my post and like my photos. My reader and followers gave always been so encouraging and supportive. They also inspire some of my posts and content. It is important to me to stay in direct contact with them to notify them of new post. The best way to do this is emails. My latest content delivered right to their mailbox. Ensuring they are up to date and am providing the with the latest fashions and exclusive content.

Here is why you should have an email list as a blogger, more than 90% of people who have email check it daily! An email list is the fastest and most ire to contact with your audience. Another huge win is it will drive traffic to your site. Just think your readers just have to open the email and click, then they are taken directly to your site. Sending an email can feel more personal to your reader and form a longer and stronger relationship with them!

With Instagram and Face book changing their algorithm again your followers may not be seeing your hard work and content. So having an email list and sending out emails regularly let’s you be in control of what they see from you and when.

We all lead busy lives and sometimes for get to check in with our favorite blog or shop so an email is a great reminder that you are there and still creating/selling.

In closing thank you all who read and follow my blog. I am excited to share more with you in the future and if you need any advice or help with email lists or Constant Contact please feel free to reach out.

Thank you Constant Contact for sponsoring this post.